Front Gate Renovation Project
The leadership at camp has presented a project to renovate the front gate at camp for safety and aesthetic reasons. The board has decided to make this a fundraising priority to help fund this project for camp.
To the right, you will find a preliminary drawing of the idea along with how the project was presented at the Reunion (click on the image for a larger view!). The estimated total cost of the project is $200,000. If you would like to make a pledge toward this project, you can do so via the button below.

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Membership Dues

Camp Ridgecrest Alumni & Friends asks that our members donate $25 a year (or $10 for students) for their membership dues. This money is used to cover our operating costs such as this website, our newsletter, payment processing, etc.
Dues paying members are also granted voting privileges at our annual Members meeting where we elect our Board of Directors.